We at Park Avenue Homes aim to make the homebuilding process enjoyable and effortless for you. From the very first meeting, we take the time to understand your needs and desires to begin designing a home that will suit your lifestyle. We will work closely with you to ensure every detail is to your liking and present you with a custom home by your design. If you are looking to build a new home, improve your current home, or add on to your home, we are able to help you achieve that goal. Park Avenue Home is licensed under the National Home Warranty and has been building quality homes for the past 30 years.
Using AyA's Lexington door in a maple Glazed Latte for its elements of old world elegance and casual-chic finish. Lexington doors finished in Clove Maple for the island were used to create drama and contrast in the space. An engineered stone countertop in a champagne colour was used throughout to create unity and warmth.
Click the links below for more content on how this kitchen transformation came together.